Oorlogskloof Nature Reserve
Please contact the Marketing Officer for any information: Ms. Leonie Vyver email: oorlogskloof@gmail.com cell: 060 989 8441
Fax: 027 2181159
Accommodation Manager - 072 430 7036
Marketing Officer:Ms Leonie Vyver
cell:060 989 8441
The Rock Pigeon Route (4- 5 Days; 52.2 km)
Day one and two can be combined but this is not advisable.
DAY 1 – Groot Tuin to Brakwater (4 km: 2 - 3 hrs).
The trail passes ruins and leads to the edge of the Saaikloof, with stunning views of the gorge.
DAY 2 – Brakwater to Driefontein (8.5 km: 6-7 hrs).
A ladder and a rope will give you access to the plateau. At the "last water" sign you can enjoy your last swim of the day. San rock paintings occur at three sites at Driefontein camp site.
DAY 3 – Driefontein to Doltuin (12 km: 6 - 8 hrs)
At Kameel se Gat there are several large stone structures erected by pioneering farmers, with a cemetery across the river. Access to the top of the gorge is through a chimney. The geology is revealed in the form of bands of quartz pebbles and sandstone.
DAY 4 – Doltuin to Pramkoppie (17 km: 6 - 8 hrs)
The trail passes through 10 rock arches, some of which you crawl through. Arrie se Punt is the highest point (915 m) with a magnificent view over the Knersvlakte.
DAY 5 – Pramkoppie to Groot Tuin (10.7 km: 5 - 7 hrs).
At the 44 km marker the track leads past an old stone leopard trap, a relic from the early farming days. Further on the trail seems to come to a dead end at a sheer cliff, however, inspection reveals a chimney with a descending ladder.
The Rameron Pigeon Route (4 - 7 Days; 52.4 km)
DAY 1 - Groot Tuin to Kareebos (5.9 km: 2 - 3 hrs).
The overnight camp is located on the banks of the Oorlogskloof River.
DAY 2 - Kareebos to Kameel se Gat (7.9 km: 6 - 7 hrs).
A rock pool, good for swimming in, can be found after 2.8 km.
DAY 3 - Kameel se Gat to Suikerbosfontein (4.6 km: 2 - 3 hrs).
On the plateau, a cave, Laurel Sugar bushes, Cape Sugarbirds and rock paintings are found. Further on you descend with the help of a chain through a crevice in the rock.
DAY 4 - Suikerbosfontein to Swartkliphuis (6.3 km: 4 - 5 hrs).
An old plough serves as an access bridge to Dwarskloof. The trail ascends and weaves through a series of intricate cracks to the plateau.
DAY 5 - Swartkliphuis to Bo-Kloof (8.1 km: 3 - 4 hrs).
The trail leads past two caves with rock paintings and a small waterfall.
DAY 6 - Bo-Kloof to Olienhoutbos (7.3 km: 3 - 4 hrs).
The first part of the trail is fairly easy and follows the course of the river with caves and impressive rock formations with rock paintings.
DAY 7 - Olienhoutbos to Groot Tuin (12 km: 6 - 7 hrs).
A view of the Knersvlakte can be seen after ascending to the plateau. Interesting rock pavements with quartzite pebbles and rock pools occur here. In the Saaikloof valley the trail passes through a stand of watsonias and red hot pokers.
Flora and Fauna
The Oorlogskloof area is characterized by unique fauna (36 species) including Smith's red rock rabbit, porcupine, Cape clawless otter, Cape fox, baboon, rock hyrax and klipspringer. Leopard roam the mountains, their presence indicated by spoor and dung. There are 94 bird species including the shy Rameron pigeon, Cape batis and Southern boubou. There are a large number of reptiles on Oorlogskloof Nature Reserve, as well as three endangered fish species.
The exceptionally high diversity of plant communities and species makes Oorlogskloof one of the Northern Cape's most unique nature reserves. This could be ascribed to the location of the reserve, which is in the transition zone of the Fynbos and Karoo Biomes, as well as to the diverse broken topography. A section of the reserve forms part of the northernmost extension of the Fynbos Biome and includes various endangered species.