Farmers in the Dikgatlong Municipality were spoiled for choice when the Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform's in conjuction with various stakeholder held a a Kaonafatso ya dikgomo Farmers Day in Barkley West.

The Department's Training and Capacity Building Unit's Deputy Director Mr Malebogo Mocwiri highlighted that the purpose of the day is to equip farmers with information that will assist them to be better and improved farmers. Mr Mocwiri added that the information accumulated by farmers will come in handy for farmers to yield better production.

The Department together with stakeholders such as Agricultural Research Council (ARC) touched on the Scope and benefits Kaonafatso ya Dikgomo. ARC's Mr Mohenyi Seikaneng touched on how farmers can improve their livestock;

  • Identification and Recording
  • Vaccination Programm
  • Breeding
  • Supplementary feeds
  • Auctions

Meanwhile onderstepoort Biological Products' Mr Aubrey Dladla encouraged farmers to vaccine for various diseases. He highlighted that farmers must not give dose based on weight of the animals. He reminded farmers that farming is business and must be treated as such hence caring and vaccinations of livestock is critical.

Topics tackled at the Kaonafatso ya Dikgomo Farmers Day were Animal Feeds, Animal Health and stock theft.

Some farmers challenged government why don't they encourage them to practice artificial insemination as is the best method to save, compared when buying a bull and still to maintain it.

Farmers applauded the Department and some stakeholders for collaborating on information sharing.

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